Friday, September 12, 2014

Building and Movement Week of September 8, 2014

We have noticed the children have a strong interest in the movement of materials, especially while moving downward (like on a ramp).  This week we have been investigating with the ramps in a variety of different ways; including using cars, building ramps at various heights and looking at the path materials take while moving down the ramp (using water colors).  We observed the children trying to make the objects move down the ramp, as well as upward, testing out several theories they hold about motion.  During one investigation, where we set up two ramps of various heights the children began to adjust the ramps on their own.  The teachers sat back and watched as the children moved the lower ramp so it was flat on the ground, while resting on top of a block (in the middle of the ramp).  Connor and Will began to move the board back and forth, like a seesaw.  They placed objects on the board and observed the movement of the objects.  The boys also placed their bodies on top of the board to see what would happen.  

The results?  We decided to investigate their interest in simple machines (ex. The lever) further.  On Friday we built a seesaw out of the same board and invited the children to build on top of it.  We were curious to see how the motion of the board would affect their building.  At first the children built only on one end of the board.  Ms. Megan began to move the board to encourage a reaction.  Once the children noticed this movement they began building on both sides, observing what would happen to the blocks as they began to move.  We would like to revisit this same investigation next week with all of the children who helped to create the first seesaw.  We are also thinking about exploring other types of simple machines over the course of our semester. 

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